Tuesday 30 July 2013


Photo by Andy Lambert

By Adam Moss

"Edgeley Park is going to be my stage this year," says Rhys Turner as we discuss his hopes and dreams for his first season with a professional contract.

Rhys Turner doesn't do nervous.

You ask him a straight question and he gives you a straight answer.

Is he nervous about playing in front of good sized crowds at Edgeley Park?

"I don't get nervous when I'm playing. I've never really felt pressure when I'm on the pitch, I just get on with the game. I'm here to play football, why should I get nervous about that?" he says confidently but without a hint of arrogance.

Rhys Turner may be just 17 but he's not like any teenager I've interviewed before. He's focused. Enviably single-minded.

This is his big chance and he's not going to let anything get in the way of him fulfilling his potential and enjoying a momentous first season.

Fortunately for Stockport County fans, most who've seen him play cannot do anything else but agree with his assessment.

Rhys Turner is lightning fast. He seems to have energy to burn. He's young, he still has lots to learn but, there's little doubt, he's going to be a thorn in the side of pretty much every defence he comes up against this season.

So what does he hope to achieve this season?

"I want to emulate the Stockport County players who have gone on to big things - people like Danny Whitehead from last season, and Pilkington," he said.

"County has a history of producing quality players who go on to bigger things. I want to be one of those players.

"This is my first pro contract. It is just the start, I know that. So I have a way to go yet. But I can't wait for the season to start so I can get going."

He says he and the rest of the team know that for this to be considered a successful season then promotion has to be the end game.

"There is no reason why we can't win this league," he said. "In that second half against St Mirren last week we played them off the park at times - and that was their first team.

"We can be a good side. But to win promotion it is all about consistency. If we can manage to be consistent then we will definitely be up there."

And how will County approach the new season?

"We will be attacking teams from the first whistle," according to Turner.

"If I can score more than 20 goals this season then I know I'll have had a good one. The gaffer has been talking to us about going at sides right from the off, attacking them from the first kick of a ball and putting them under pressure. We are definitely going to be an attacking side."

Turner says manager Ian Bogie and assistant Alan Lord has been making the team train in a 4-3-3 formation with himself and fellow striker Kristian Dennis playing off Phil Jevons in a bid to maximise those attacking options.

"Playing with Jevo and Kristian has been really easy in that formation, which definitely works better for me," he said.

"Jevo can be the main man and play in me and Kristian, who both have decent pace. It has been working well for us and the whole team in training."

Turner, a Wigan FC fan (his dad was born there) had a few options when County came calling.

"Yeah, there were a few teams interested but County were the only one to offer me a direct contract while the other teams were offering me trials. It was an easy decision to make, especially as I've worked with Alan Lord for so long through Myerscough College too.

"After hearing good things about the fans I'm expecting big things. And I really can't wait to run out at Edgeley Park for the first game of the new season. It's everything I've been working for."

1 comment:

  1. eaps of the goals r coming for young turner!
