Thursday 11 July 2013


Rowe, Newton & Nolan

By Chris Larkin 

Every club has players that have changed the face of their fortunes throughout history.

Manchester United have Best and Ronaldo, Manchester City have Summerbee and Aguero.

Our very own Stockport County has its fair share of legends who have defined what this club is to it's supporters. Kevin Francis and Jim Gannon, to name just two.

Lincoln City are no different.

The Imps have also suffered from financial woes and relegation in recent years, joining County in relegation to the Conference in 2011 and also struggling to adapt to life in non-league.

While they haven't fallen quite as far as us, they have had two seasons of struggle. With every club that survives relegation by the skin of its teeth, huge changes are inevitably made over the summer. Our friends in the East have done just that in the hope of more favourable fortunes next term.

I doubt there's a single Lincoln fan who won't be hoping that they can make just one great signing - one that can truly make the difference between winning and losing; between enjoying the football and hating yourself for wasting your money.

The powers that be over at Lincoln will be hugely aware of what is necessary too. And they've acted swiftly.

So, which midfield magician has manager Gary Simpson called upon to start the Lincolnshire revolution?

Has David Beckham delayed his retirement for a year? Have they signed an ex-England international looking for one last hurrah in a promotion push? Not exactly. They have signed Jon Nolan.

Don't adjust your screen. The same Jon Nolan, the legendary 'baller', who at times has looked like he would be more at home asking if you want fries with that.

Like every other County fan who read the news with the kind of bemusement that is immeasurable last week, I was more than a little surprised to see he had been retained by not only a Conference Premier club but, a sizeable one that has a full-time staff roster.

Surely this couldn't be the same Jon Nolan who would pick and choose the games in which he'd perform last season like a child at a Woolworth's sweet counter?

Surely this wasn't the same Jon Nolan whose terrible attitude was so admired by so many impressionable kids that the ginger prince used the ether of that teenage adoration to help him scale the summit of the County Twitter #Bantz league?

The same Jon Nolan who worked so tirelessly to rebuild his relationship with the fans when it all went pear-shaped?

Yes. The very same.

I have to admit, I'm not a football manager, nor do I claim to be one, unless I'm  playing computer games - in which case I am, quite clearly, the new Special One.

But, I genuinely do struggle to understand why a manager of any professional football club would take on a player like Jon Nolan after last season.

Once you get past the fact that he is not a very good footballer, you don't even have a hard worker lurking underneath the paper-thin facade.

There is something about a hard worker, who can't quite get things to drop for him but never gives in, that is quite endearing and their endeavour certainly helps the fans warm to them a bit more.

But some players, even the great ones, just never become fan favourites because their attitude and sulking, when things don't go their way, paints the kind of uncomfortable picture it is almost impossible to find redemption in.

I think its fair to suggest that's a category Jon Nolan belongs in.

As we know, Mr. Nolan isn't the only former Hatter to be playing for Lincoln next season. Our former captain Sean Newton and former striker, Danny L Rowe, have both signed for the club.

While I have no serious issues with either Newton or Rowe, they were each in poor form towards the end of last season and both of them suffered from a measurable dip towards the end of their time with us.

Like Nolan, their attitude when we needed strength from our senior players, was lacking. Nolan was the most guilty by far in my book though.

While it is common for clubs to poach players from just-relegated clubs, it is usually the better individuals who find new fortune elsewhere.

Lincoln may be struggling financially but, surely, signing a couple of hungry young players from college sides like Myerscough would be the better option to getting in experienced recruits who have no interest in the club or playing for the badge.

So, while I wish Lincoln all the best next season, I seriously question the sense in building a 'new' team around three players who have all been relegated.  Especially when at least two of these players didn't seem overly bothered about the final destination of 'their' team last season.

 I suppose what I'm really asking is what the f**k is up with Lincoln City?

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